Network Themes

Our logo symbolises the Knowledge Network, Technology Network & Development Network

Knowledge Network
Knowledge Network, which acts as a mechanism for creation and dissemination of knowledge among institutions and individuals.
Operate Knowledge Network of Centres of Excellence.
Support research and education for gifted individuals at all educational levels.
Advance knowledge creation and innovation by supporting targeted research.
Objectives of Knowledge Network:
To support creation of environment suitable for “knowledge creation” and development of the “Centres of Excellence”.
To facilitate knowledge networking for “connecting those who know with those who need to know”.
To support efforts to open knowledge creation and education to influence users.
To support efforts to develop full potential of people through education; an education that must include the mastery of modern technologies.

Development Network
Development Network, which acts as a mechanism for exchange of ideas among business, science and policy makers. Promote exchange of ideas on general development issues.
Promotion of innovation system.
Influencing policy formulation.
Leadership Seminar

Technology Network
Technology Network, which acts as a mechanism for exchange of ideas among business and science.
Discuss technology development issues.
Select Technology Transfer Centres.
Establish and operate Technology Transfer Network.
Objectives of Technology Network:
Support creation of conditions which permit, encourage and sustain innovative creativity and investment in technology.
Support development of capacity to assimilate and apply new knowledge.
Support technology transfer by establishing a global “Technology Transfer Network” of “Technology Transfer Centres” which is able to - connect those that need technology with technology owners.

Human Life Advancement Foundation (HLAF)
BHEUU Registration No. PPAB 03-2006
Suite 1707, Level 17, Plaza Permata,
Jln Kampar, Sentul Selatan,
50400 Kuala Lumpur,
Phone: +603 2771 1668 / 69
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